Collaborative Activities of the Consortium
Given the globalized challenges of our current time, it is crucial to prepare students to work on complex problems in an international and transdisciplinary context. The consortium developed several activities in which students from the different partner institutions learn together by exchanging knowledge and experiences in an equal way. Moreover, what started as a collaboration in teaching, proves to be an excellent breeding ground for research collaboration.
Online Courses
Unique in the set-up of our online courses is that they are part of the mandatory core curriculum of each partner university. In small groups that consist of students from different universities, students work on a group paper that is graded. Because there is something serious at stake, they realistically experience the challenges of working in an international, multidisciplinary team. A vital preparation for their future careers.

Learning Symposium
Building upon experiences in the online courses, international teamwork continues in the Learning Symposium – either in person or online. It provides students with training in system mapping, for which they interact with professionals in the field and with communities of practice. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to present and discuss their thesis research. All in all, the Learning Symposium provides an excellent opportunity to enhance their professional skills in Global Health.
Given the scope of the global health field, it is impossible to train students in all subfields of the discipline. In our consortium structure, each partner works from their own unique definition and niche in Global Health. This allows us to offer the full range of topics to our students and provides the flexibility to pick up new trends. In the spring term, students choose a specialisation at their own institute or with one of the partner universities.

Research Collaboration
Over the years, the consortium has initiated several interesting collaborations in research, for instance in the field of nursing staff crisis during Covid-19, elderly care arrangements, Global Health Technological innovation and Global Health curriculum development. In the near future, research projects in other topic areas will be developed.