Global Health in Community Health Contexts

This specialisation places students in real community settings, exposes them to relevant characteristics for the global context of the Colombian morbidity and mortality profile and the country´s health system, and guides the students to find a real solution for a problem found in the community.

Universidad del Rosario (CO)

Course Format

  • Literature review on Colombian health system, social determinants of health, and anthropology and health.
  • Reflection on Videos related to social determinants of health.
  • Construction of a health program.
  • Community-based work: health diagnosis, operative plan of intervention, implementation of plan, presentation of results in plenary session.
Full course description
Global Health in Community Health Contexts
Universidad del Rosario students

Universidad del Rosario

  • Universidad del Rosario is one of the most prestigious universities in Colombia.
  • The University is a very active player in the international field of academic and research institutions, and aims to strengthen its international cooperation network.
  • The European Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA), which was the first Latin American institution to receive institutional accreditation in 2018, recognizes in its evaluation report the high level of commitment that the university undertakes to strengthen its internationalization process.
  • Universidad del Rosario promotes integrated and interdisciplinary research and the creation of new knowledge, in order to have a comprehensive impact on society and science.
  • The Global Health approach provides the knowledge necessary to address issues of health promotion and disease prevention. It promotes work with the community, the understanding of social issues, national and international challenges, and the use of globalization processes to improve the health of populations.
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Staff involved

Dr. Angela Pinzon Rondon

Dr. Ángela María Pinzón Rondón

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