Patterns of Migration

This interdisciplinary course delves into the complex dynamics of population mobility and migration in Africa, exploring socioeconomic, political, and historical factors. It emphasizes understanding migration trends and patterns, with a special focus on gender perspectives. Students critically assess contemporary migration theories’ strengths and limitations in explaining African migration with gender considerations.

Ahfad University for Women (SD)

Course Format

  • Foundational knowledge and theoretical framework are delivered through lectures.
  • Analysis of real-world migration cases in the African context.
  • Small group discussion and seminars to facilitate in-depth exploration of course topics and encourage student participation.

Patterns of Migration
Ahfad University for Women students

Ahfad University for Women

AUW is a pioneering higher education institution in Sudan whose philosophy is women’s education, development and empowerment. Its history goes back to 1907 when the first school for girls was established in Sudan. Currently AUW has over seven thousands students from all parts of Sudan, neighbouring countries and around the all the world.

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Staff involved

Dr. Ikhlas Nouh Osman

Dr. Ikhlas Nouh Osman

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